Commentary: At This Point, It’s Easier to Find Someone That DOESN’T Have a Conflict of Interest

By Printus LeBlanc


Another day, another hearing and the America public learn more about the mountain of evidence pointing towards the entire Mueller special counsel team being filled with conflicts of interest. Rod Rosenstein said he would not fire Robert Mueller stating, “If there were good cause, I would act.” Well Mr. Deputy Attorney General, not counting the tens of thousands of dollars in political donations to Hillary Clinton, there is plenty of evidence to suggest a biased Special Counsel, if you would only open your eyes.

The Department of Justice supposedly has strict rules regarding conflicts of interests. The DOJ regulation regarding personal conflicts of interest states, “In addition to the impartiality regulation, 28 C.F.R. § 45.2 prohibits a DOJ employee, without written authorization, from participating in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution, or any person or organization which he knows has a specific and substantial interest that would be directly affected by the outcome of the investigation or prosecution.” Why does it seem like Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has never seen this regulation?

Peter Strzok is a top FBI counterintelligence agent that was one of the lead agents on the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation, or matter if your Loretta Lynch. Strzok was also one of the lead agents in the initial investigation into Russian interference, including interviewing Michal Flynn. Robert Mueller would pick Strzok to be on his special counsel team.

However, over the summer Strzok was removed from the team with little fanfare, and the reason did not come to light until recently. An ongoing Inspector General investigation found thousands of text messages to another an FBI lawyer, Lisa Page herself on the special counsel team for a time, Strzok was having an extramarital affair with, the relationship itself a severe security risk because of the potential for blackmail.

The text messages were blatantly biased towards Hillary Clinton, the subject of one of his investigations, and extremely prejudicial of Donald Trump. The text messages were finally released last Tuesday, and it is worse than initially thought. There are several instances where Strzok makes disparaging remarks about Trump and glowing comments about Hillary Clinton.

One text suggests some sort of action against then-candidate Trump around the same time the Russia investigation started in 2016. He wrote to Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”

One of the top FBI investigators is personally attacking and praising subjects of investigations admitting a preference for one over the other. That is the textbook definition of a personal conflict of interest. Nothing Strzok did on either investigation can be trusted because of his admitted animus towards a subject of investigation.

Robert Mueller’s “pit bull” is another walking talking conflict of interest. Andrew Weissmann is the lead prosecutor Mueller’s team and has a shady history with the law. Weissman was the deputy then director of the Enron Task Force. During the investigation, Weissmann destroyed the firm Arthur Anderson as a whole instead of going after the bad apples. His actions would close down the company, costing 85,000 people their jobs, only to have the Supreme Court reverse the decision unanimously several years later. A little late for the 85,000 people that lost their jobs.

Weissmann would further show his prosecutorial superpowers in being reversed by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. He devastated the lives of four Merrill Lynch executives by concocting unprecedented charges based on business transactions.

Not only does Weissmann have a history of prosecutorial misconduct, recently released emails have shown his personal feelings towards the President. Shortly after Sally Yates declined to carry out a constitutionally lawful order by the Trump, Weissmann sent her a glowing email, praising her actions. Lauding the efforts of someone disobeying a legal order doesn’t sound very conflict-free.

Weissmann also has a Uranium One problem. Victoria Toensing is the lawyer for the informant the FBI had in the case. She has stated her client brought a civil suit to recover bribes the FBI authorized him to pay in the course of the investigation. The fraud section lawyers threatened to prosecute the informant if he did not drop his case, and Weissmann oversaw that office. When President Trump talks about getting to the bottom of Uranium One, that implicates any wrongdoing done by the legal teams that handled the investigation. It is in his interest that the Uranium One investigation goes away, and that can happen if he attacks the President and his staff.

Jeannie Rhee is another member of the Mueller team with a conflict of interest. Rhee represented Obama National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes during the Select Committee on Benghazi’s investigation into the 2012 attack. Because of Rhodes position in the Obama administration, he is likely to be a witness if a trial takes place. Rhodes would have been instrumental in the unmasking of individuals and a witness to Russian “interference.”

It doesn’t stop there for Rhee; she also represented the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit. Thanks to President Trump winning the election, donations the foundation have dried up, possibly costing Rhee thousands in legal fees.

The special counsel himself has a conflict of interest problem. It was revealed today by Politico that Mueller was granted a conflict of interest waiver to take the job. The man that is supposed to ensure a fair investigation had to sign a waiver for his conflict of interest with the subjects of the investigation.

And let’s not forget the firing of James Comey, the single event that started the special counsel probe. Mueller and Comey were extremely close friends. They were so close; it has been reported they took family vacations together. Only in D.C. would this be acceptable.

Let this article be Rod Rosenstein’s wakeup call, that the Mueller investigation is one gigantic problem and conflict of interest and needs to be discontinued immediately since apparently, he has been ostrich-like in the hundreds of articles detailing Mueller’s abuses.

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Printus LeBlanc is a contributing editor for Americans for Limited Government.


Reprinted with permission from




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